
Shaoxing Welcomes a New Museum|绍兴又一新博物馆来了

柯桥传媒集团 柯桥发布 2023-11-28
Shaoxing Welcomes
A New Museum

Recently, the 3rd Chinese Local Cuisine Development Conference was held in Shaoxing, gathering nearly 400 representatives from about 200 companies across 34 provincial-level administrative regions and over 70 cities. At the conference, Xianheng Hotel unveiled the conceptual plan for the Shaoxing Cuisine Museum.


Song Ping, General Manager of Shaoxing Xianheng Group Co., Ltd., and Chairman of Shaoxing Xianheng Hotel Co., Ltd., shared their progress: "We're diligently progressing on all fronts. The plan is evolving. We've begun collecting exhibits, and the initial stages of construction are in full swing." Shaoxing cuisine is the origin of of Zhejiang cuisine. As early as ten thousand years ago, Xiaohuangshan people had begun to process food. During the Yue state period, King Goujian of Yue promoted pig farming for national prosperity, and Fan Li advocated fish farming for wealth, leading to the establishment of vegetable bases. These developments highlight how Yue cuisine was treated as a matter of national importance, advancing rapidly and gaining significant attention. Techniques such as soaking with wine, braising with soy sauce, pickling with rice wine, curing and fermenting, are the proof of the Yue people's harmonious relationship with nature. In recent times, with the growing pursuit of a finer life, Shaoxing cuisine has seen a burgeoning diversity. In 2022, the Shaoxing Cuisine Museum project was included in the Yucheng District government work report, which mentioned the need to fully utilize the century-old brand of Xianheng Hotel and the resources of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Base of Shaoxing Cuisine Cooking Skills in Zhejiang Province. In terms of construction and operation of the exbition hall, the museum is designed to seamlessly integrate with Xianheng Hotel and Lu Xun Native Place in order to create a cohesive cultural experience.



According to the newly released concept plan, the Shaoxing Cuisine Museum will sit in the heart of the high-quality pedestrian zone in Lu Xun Native Place, spanning an area of 4,101 square meters with a total construction space of 8,119 square meters. Committed to honoring tradition while embracing innovation, the museum will comprehensively chart the evolution of Shaoxing cuisine, delve into its scientific aspects, amplify its reach, cultivate culinary inheritors, rejuvenate the city's gastronomic heritage, and envision its market future. This modern culinary museum is set to offer an array of experiences: viewing, listening, exploring, dining, and interactive engagements. It will feature four distinct zones: an exhibition area, a cultural experience area, an educational area, and a cultural and creative service area. Additionally, two temporary exhibit areas are planned: one to display the city's gastronomic intangible cultural heritage and another for national culinary showcases.


"Building the museum is a way to systematically sort out local culinary culture and also a manifestation of cultural confidence," said Wang Xiqing, Director of the China International Food Studies Institute and Special Vice President of the China Cuisine Association. The Shaoxing Cuisine Museum is expected to provide an in-depth exploration of the local culinary culture, bolstering the cultural pride of Shaoxing's citizens and and drive the development of catering products, tourism products, and related culinary industry products.



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